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In today’s foodservice industry, sustainability is not just a trend—it’s a responsibility. With customers increasingly favoring businesses that demonstrate eco-consciousness, understanding the language of sustainability is crucial for staying competitive.

As a foodservice operator, knowing these green terms will help you make informed, environmentally friendly decisions that resonate with your clientele and reduce your environmental footprint. Adopting sustainable practices isn’t just good for the planet—it can also improve your brand reputation, attract loyal customers, and even reduce operational costs.

By familiarizing yourself with these key terms, you’ll be better equipped to choose the right products and implement practices that align with both regulatory requirements and consumer expectations.

This comprehensive guide highlights the most important green terms, with a focus on sustainable food packaging and practices that every foodservice operator should know.

These terms encompass broad concepts that apply to any foodservice operation looking to reduce its environmental impact.

Compostable products are materials that can break down into natural elements in a compost environment, typically within a few months. Unlike biodegradable, compostable items leave no toxic residue and turn into nutrient-rich compost, which can be used to enrich soil.

Commercial compostable products are designed to break down in an industrial composting facility, where the conditions (such as higher temperatures and controlled humidity) are optimized for faster decomposition. These items may not break down as quickly in a home compost environment but are a more sustainable option when commercial composting facilities are available.

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Compost refers to organic material that can decompose naturally and be used to enrich soil. In the foodservice industry, compostable packaging can be returned to the earth instead of ending up in landfills.

Biodegradable products break down naturally over time without causing harm to the environment. This is an essential concept in reducing plastic waste and promoting eco-friendly packaging.

This refers to materials that have been used by consumers and then recycled into new products. Post-consumer recycled content is widely used in sustainable packaging.

Post-industrial refers to waste from industrial processes that are repurposed or recycled before reaching consumers, helping to reduce manufacturing waste and supporting zero-waste initiatives.

Recyclable products and materials can be processed and reused, minimizing waste and helping companies contribute to a circular economy.

recycle bin yellow blue green and recycle plastic garbage bin to save environment care

Sustainable refers to practices or products that meet current needs without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their own. Sustainability is key to long-term environmental responsibility in the foodservice industry.

Eco-friendly products or practices are designed to minimize harm to the environment. These items help foodservice businesses reduce their environmental impact.

The total amount of greenhouse gases emitted by a product or activity. Reducing the carbon footprint of your foodservice operation can include using energy-efficient equipment or sustainable packaging materials.

Natural resources that can be replenished over time, such as wood or plant-based materials, are integral to the production of green packaging.

A strategy aimed at reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills by reusing, recycling, and composting materials. Zero-waste programs are gaining popularity in foodservice operations to minimize environmental harm.

Energy-efficient products use less energy to perform the same function, reducing both costs and environmental impact. Energy efficiency in kitchens and operations helps drive sustainable practices.

An analysis of a product’s environmental impact throughout its life cycle, from raw materials to disposal. Life cycle assessments help businesses make more sustainable choices, particularly in foodservice packaging.

Practices and products designed to reduce water usage, essential in foodservice kitchens to minimize waste and support sustainability goals.

These terms are directly related to eco-friendly packaging solutions commonly used in the foodservice industry.

Packaging made primarily from renewable paper sources, often recyclable and more sustainable than plastic alternatives. Paper-based food packaging is a popular choice for takeout containers and brown bags.

Unbleached, natural paper bags that are biodegradable and recyclable. Brown kraft bags are widely used in foodservice for takeout orders and grocery packaging.

Paper that hasn’t undergone chemical bleaching, making it more environmentally friendly. Unbleached paper bags are a sustainable option for foodservice packaging.

Paper produced without chlorine, reducing harmful emissions during manufacturing and making it a more sustainable choice for packaging.

Plastics made from renewable sources such as corn or sugarcane, providing a compostable alternative to traditional plastics. Bioplastics are increasingly used in sustainable foodservice operations.

Packaging made from post-consumer recycled materials helps reduce the demand for new raw materials, making it a preferred option for eco-friendly packaging.

Paper coated with natural waxes, such as beeswax or soy wax, for water resistance and compostability. Wax-coated paper is often used for food wraps and takeout containers.

Packaging made from recycled paper or natural fibers, often used as a plastic alternative for trays and takeout containers. Molded fiber packaging is gaining popularity as a sustainable and compostable food packaging option.


A biodegradable plastic made from plant starch, commonly used in compostable food packaging like cups and utensils. PLA packaging is a more sustainable alternative to traditional plastics.

Plastics designed to degrade when exposed to oxygen, heat, and sunlight over time. Oxo-biodegradable plastics are used as a more eco-friendly option in food packaging.

Packaging designed for multiple uses, such as reusable food containers and shopping bags, helping to minimize waste in the foodservice industry.


A fibrous byproduct of sugarcane processing, used to make biodegradable food packaging like plates and containers. Bagasse packaging is an excellent eco-friendly option for foodservice.

Packaging materials that can decompose under composting conditions, offering a more sustainable alternative to traditional plastic packaging.

Packaging made from biological materials instead of petroleum-based products, helping reduce the carbon footprint of foodservice packaging.

The practice of reducing excess packaging to minimize waste and energy consumption. Minimalist packaging is increasingly popular among sustainable foodservice businesses.

These certifications and eco-labels assure businesses and consumers that products meet sustainability standards.

Certification for products that meet specific environmental standards, commonly used in sustainable food packaging.

Certification for products made from responsibly managed forests. FSC-certified packaging ensures that materials come from sustainable sources.

Similar to FSC certification, this label ensures that paper and packaging products are sourced from sustainably managed forests.

Inks used for printing on packaging that contain fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs), reducing environmental pollution. Low-VOC inks are preferred in sustainable packaging printing processes.

Final Thoughts

Understanding these green terms will help your foodservice business adopt sustainable practices that not only reduce your environmental impact but also appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

Whether you’re focusing on sustainable packaging solutions, reducing your carbon footprint, or implementing zero-waste strategies, every step toward sustainability makes a difference.

By integrating these green practices into your operations, you’re not just protecting the environment—you’re also building a reputation for being a responsible, forward-thinking business. Stay ahead of industry trends, and make informed decisions that will benefit both your business and the planet.

At Imperial Dade, we are committed to helping businesses in the foodservice industry achieve their sustainability goals. From offering a wide range of eco-friendly packaging solutions to providing expert advice on sustainable practices, we’re here to support your journey toward a greener future.

Ready to take your sustainability efforts to the next level? Contact Imperial Dade today to learn how we can help you implement green solutions that fit your business needs. Visit Imperial Dade’s website to explore our full range of sustainable products and services, or speak with one of our experts to get started on making a positive environmental impact.

Together, we can create a more sustainable future for the foodservice industry!