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Category: Carpet Care

How to Use an Air Mover & Avoid Damage on Carpet

Learn how to use an air mover on carpet to speed up drying times, improve ventilation, and prevent mold growth. Discover expert tips for complete drying!

How to Get Rid of Carpet Odors for Good: Step-By-Step Guide

Follow this step-by-step guide to easily remove carpet odors and restore freshness. Learn proven techniques to combat stubborn odors.

Commercial Floor Buffers 101: What is a Floor Buffer?

Maintaining your hard floors is not just about appearances; it’s a critical aspect of effective facility management.  Clean floors not only leave a lasting positive impression on customers but also contribute to a healthier environment for...

Wet/Dry Vacs 101: What is a Wet/Dry Vacuum?

If you’re trying to up your cleaning game and tackle a wide range of messes on your hard or carpeted floors, a commercial wet/dry vac could be your new best friend.  Versatile, durable, and capable of handling both wet and dry messes, this cleaning...

3 Best Wet/Dry Vacs of 2024: How to Choose the Right One For Your Business

In facilities such as commercial kitchens, construction sites, and warehouses, commercial wet/dry vacs prove essential for efficient and thorough cleaning.  These vacuums are designed to handle wet and dry materials, making them indispensable in environments...

Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning: 5 Best Practices to Achieve Best Results

Five tips you need to effectively perform encapsulation carpet cleaning. Each of these tips are geared towards saving you time, labor, and costs.

Carpet Wicking 101: What Is It and How to Avoid It?

Do you notice stains reappearing on your carpets, even if you and your cleaning team just extracted them? Recurring stains are often due to carpet wicking.  Carpet wicking can be an expensive problem when time, labor, and cleaning products are...

Winter Carpet Cleaning: How to Properly Clean a Carpet

From November to February, much of the US can expect to get hit with snow, ice, and sleet. For many, preparing for the increased wet weather and associated dangers means laying down ice melt and rock salt. 

How to Perform Encapsulation Cleaning in 7 Easy Steps

If you’re looking for effective ways to rid your facility’s carpets of the toughest stains, then you no doubt stumbled upon encapsulation cleaning in your research. Or, maybe you just got finished reading our article on encapsulation carpet cleaning.

What is Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning?

If you’ve been in the commercial cleaning industry for a while, then you’ve probably heard the term encapsulation thrown around. Or, maybe you’re not an industry vet and just heard it for the first time. Some may know it’s a low-moisture method,...

6 Best Carpet Extractors of 2024: What’s The Best For Your Facility?

Carpet extractors are an important piece of janitorial floor maintenance equipment that can be used to deep clean the commercial carpets in your facility. Commercial carpet extractors differ in size, type, power source, and other factors that will...

How To Remove Stains From Carpet Using a Commercial Carpet Extractor

When you have people constantly walking through your facility, stains on your commercial carpet are unavoidable.

Buying vs Renting Commercial Floor Mats: Which Is Best For Your Facility?

Commercial floor mats can stop up to 90% of dirt from being tracked onto your floors, saving you as much as $1,200 per pound of soil removed from your facility. With that knowledge, you can see why floor mats are an integral part of maintaining and...

How to Fix Foam in Your Commercial Carpet Extractor

Carpet extractors are a powerful tool for cleaning and maintaining the carpets in your facility. Like with any janitorial equipment, there may be some issues that require extra attention from you and your cleaning staff. One of the most common and...

How to Clean Commercial Entry Mats in 6 Easy Steps

Did you know you can save between $600-$1200 per pound of soil removal by using a properly maintained entryway matting system? Removing dirt from your facility’s floors through sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping is time-consuming and costly, but using...

Safeguard Your Floors This Winter With The Right Commercial Entry Mats

The winter months bring cold, wet weather inclusive of harsh contaminants like rain, snow, and ice. And, with crude wintery weather comes hazardous conditions like slippery sidewalks and entryways. The good news is, you can alleviate the associated...

How to Remove Ice Melt and Salt Stains From Carpet in 6 Steps

During the winter months, ice melt and salts are used to keep sidewalks and entryways from getting slippery, helping to protect the safety of building occupants. While protecting people from injury, ice melt creates a range of cleaning challenges inside...

Winter Floor Care: 4 Costly Floor Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Floor care is complicated, and when you add snow, ice, and salt to the equation, finding the right floor care solution can seem nearly impossible.

How to Disinfect Carpet in Your Facility

Cleaning and disinfecting is the best way to remove germs from surfaces and to prevent illness from occurring in your facility. In any facility, the two main types of surfaces are hard and soft surfaces. Most EPA-registered disinfectants clearly state...

Carpet Care 101: 4 Essentials of a Commercial Carpet Care Program

Carpets can have a large impact on the way your facility is perceived. If your facility’s carpets are worn, stained or dirty, people will notice and leave with a negative impression of your business. Commercial carpeting, especially in high traffic...

How to Identify and Remove Carpet Stains by Choosing the Best Spotter

It is critical to the life and appearance of your facility’s carpet to identify and remove a stain as soon as possible. If your facility has carpet, you will eventually have stains, but with proper identification and removal, you can avoid lasting...

How to Remove a Carpet Stain

Whether it’s a coffee stain in the break room or soda spill in the cafeteria, regular spot cleaning is critical to the appearance of your facility’s carpet. Carpet cleaning procedures depend on the type of carpet and soil damage acquired.